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2018-08-06 SB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– August 6, 2018 – 7:30 PM – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Minutes – 7:30 PM  Richy opened the meeting and the board voted all in favor to approve minutes for July 23 including executive session (not to release) and minutes of July 25.

Public Comment – Phil Gransewicz referred to the Charter contract and pointed out that the Selectboard has the authority to initiate public, education and government (PEG) cable channel requests to Charter, which could broadcast S.B or other town board and committee meetings and coverage of WRSD events. The S.B. must make a request for the service in a certain timeframe. There is a 1.5 percent fee added to the cable TV portion of customers’ bills that may be used to cover a portion of the cost of PEG.

Council on Aging director, appointment  7:40 PM – Ms. Aimee Kindorf came in to meet the board. Nina briefly reviewed her resume and noted that the screening committee of herself with Karen C. and Terry Thompson had considered five applications and Ms. Kindorf had excellent credentials.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor to appoint Ms. Aimee Kindorf as the Council on Aging director, subject to a successful CORI & SORI check.

Joint Meeting with the Road Advisory Committee, Bridge/Culvert Materials – Bill Holder was in for the Road Adv. Cmte. to explain the advantages of metal (mainly aluminum) pre-cast culverts which cost less but last as long as concrete—about 100 years. The switch is estimated to save on bridge/culvert projects with a range in expected savings, depending upon the scope of each project. The switch to metal from concrete is supported 100 percent by the R.A.C.
Bill also announced award of a 2nd grant in the amount of $22,513 from the Division of Ecological Resources to fund final design of the culvert on Ball Hill Road near the train trestle, which is too small and prone to flooding the road.

ACTION  7:50 PM:  S.B. voted all in favor to set a policy that aluminum structures be used on bridge/culvert designs, where applicable, unless otherwise voted.

Charter Update – Edie Morgan, John Rowell and John Kowaleski attended a July 26th attended a presentation by Charter Communications in Worcester on Charter's plan for its video service. During that time, they also asked several questions about the status of the network deployment. They submitted a memo outlining details, noting it does not represent the official positions of Charter. The board agreed to publish the memo on the Broadband/Charter News page of the town website.

Referring to the possibility of PEG services, Nina added that even though a 1.5 percent fee is added to the cable TV portion of customers’ bills to cover the cost of PEG, running a production/filming PEG operation would likely cost a lot more than that fee could bring in, according to numbers which have already been analyzed.

Bagg Hall, proposal – Edith presented a proposal on behalf of The Friends of Bagg Hall, which is planning a fund-raising effort for Bagg Hall renovation. In essence, the proposal asks the Selectboard to include Bagg Hall on its goals list as a secondary goal and applaud the efforts of the Friends of Bagg Hall. Board members discussed this request and the meaning of “secondary goal,” asking for more specific language. Edith said she would confer with the Friends and frame some language describing their goal—then return to consider it at a future S.B. meeting.

Draft Communication Plan – S.B. members continued working on a plan submitted by Karen, aiming for communication with residents on a regular basis, using all viable media. Goal is to use minimal town funds, with printed material attached or included in the COA newsletter; the annual town census mailing; real estate tax bills and excise tax bills; library mailings; postings in public places around town in addition to online mailings and postings (Town News and Nextdoor). Group discussed using other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and decided that they should be considered in the future. The S.B. noted that under the open meeting law the S.B. cannot respond to questions online without a meeting and vote on the response and under the public records law, all electronic communications by the S.B. must be saved. Karen will apply edits and changes as agreed for potential adoption at the S.B. meeting on Aug. 9.

Mechanics Hall Committee recruiting – Nina reported only two applications for the five proposed seats on the new Mechanics Hall Committee and suggested that the Selectboard consider extending the deadline. The S.B. agreed and will reach out to the Friends of Mechanics Hall to see if their members have interest, or the S.B. may consider a three-person committee.

Facilities Steering Committee, Phase II – To date, the Selectboard has appointed four members to the committee: Rick McCowan, Larry Todd, Richard Chase and Noelani Chase. Group discussed having Fire Dept. staff on the committee and agreed that Chief John Bennett, and as alternate, Dep. Chief Tim Kelly, could serve in an advisory, non-voting position. Group responded to a question from Kathy Conway about the charge/goal of the FSC II. Karen explained that it is charged with expanding the presentation of information about Public Safety and other building needs to a broader audience, in preparation for a Special Town meeting in the fall.

ACTION:  S.B. voted all in favor to appoint as an advisory member, not a voting member, Fire Chief John Bennett to the Facilities Steering Committee Phase II for a term through December 31st, and in his absence Deputy Chief Tim Kelly is appointed as an alternate to this particular seat, and to approve the "small town exemption" under M.G.L. c. 268A, §20 to allow either individual to hold more than one position, each appointment contingent upon being sworn in.

Request to use Annex for Farmers Market – The Princeton Farmers Market Group organizes the market on 1st and 3rd Sundays, year around. They are outdoors in good weather and for winter, indoors at the First Congregational Church, but need new space and are requesting to use the Town Hall Annex. They have offered to pay $50 per event.   Nina pointed out the possibility that Sunday snow/ice clearing (around the Annex) may come at a cost that is higher than the proposed rental. The Board agreed that the costs should be investigated after the Princeton Farmers Market Group has confirmed that they would be willing to pay a higher cost if appropriate.

CycleMA Bike Tour on August 7 – CycleMA is a seven-day bike tour that travels through parts of Massachusetts each year in
early August. Nina noted this request was late coming in and the board is approving it one day ahead.

ACTION:  Board voted all in favor approve the request from CycleMA Bike tour to use local roads/facilities for their event.

Election Officers, appointments - The S.B. received a list of applicants for election officer positions.

ACTION:  Board voted all in favor to appoint the individuals listed, for a term through August 5, 2019.

Correspondence – Nina noted that based on a letter from PMLD, rates are lower for street lights by $700 for FY19. The costs have decreased by well over 50% over the last couple fiscal years, mainly based on LED installations initiated by PMLD. Richy reported on the status of S.B.’s invitation to Lt. Gov. Karen Polito to tour Princeton’s public safety buildings. Her office contacted him about arranging a visit and said they will get back to him with possible dates. Other documents in correspondence included ATM and STE attendance breakdown, state aid to public libraries informational document, Massachusetts Office on Disability grant announcement, letter from WRSD thanking Princeton for funds for parking lot resurfacing and notice to abutters regarding the Notice of Intent for the proposed Calamint Hill Road project.

Executive Session 9:16 PM – Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A. Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel – fire chief. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Karen voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


Meeting Adjourned 10:10 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Aimee Kindorf application and resume; technical detail on metal/aluminum culverts; proposal on behalf of the Friends of Bagg Hall; Draft Communication Plan; Facilities Use Application for Farmers’ Market; request from CycleMA Bike Tour; list of applicants for election officer positions; ATM and STE attendance breakdown; PMLD rates letter; state aid to public libraries informational document; Massachusetts Office on Disability grant announcement; letter from WRSD thanking Princeton for funds for parking lot resurfacing; and notice to abutters regarding the Notice of Intent for the proposed Calamint Hill Road project.